See November 2012 match Videos

These videos were taken at a match in December 2012. COM is Center of Mass - generally the chest area. P1 is Position 1, T1 is Target 1, etc.

Course of Fire 1 - Bad Day in the Neighborhood : At the signal, draw and begin to retreat. Place 2 COM in each targets on the move while retreating. Move to front of van and using cover, shoot place 2 COM in each target, then repeat with one to the head.

Course of Fire 2 - Poker Problems : While seated with pistol on table, at signal, stand, pick up pistol and place 2 shots COM, in tactical order (near to far).

Course of Fire 3 - Eddy Outdoor : At signal, draw and place 2 COM shots in each target. Third target must be shot on the move. Black areas on targets are considered cover and count as misses.

Course of Fire 4 - Rabid hunter and dogs : At signal, place 2 shots COM and on to the head on the 'hunter', then 2 shots each to the attacking dogs.

Course of Fire 5 : Daycare Bad Guys : While holding the 'baby' in your weak arm, draw and place 2 shots on each of the two targets with the strong hand and not hitting the hostage. Then advance to the door and place 2 shots in each of 3 targets. Then advance to end of barrier and place 2 shots in final target.

Course of Fire 6 - La State Match : At the signal, draw and engage each target with 2 shots to COM, Use cover and reload as needed.

Course of Fire 7 - Dog Park : At the signal, begin to retreat and place 3 shots in each target in tactical order. Horizontal targets are dogs are shot last.

Course of Fire 8 - Four Square : There are 4 firing positions. At the signal, draw and advance to the first position and place 2 COM shots in the left two targets and one on the steel, Advance to the second position in front and repeat, Advance to position to the right and repeat with the target on the right. Back up to final position and repeat.

Next match will be January 2013
