Missed October Match - See September 2012 match Videos
These videos were taken at a match in November 2012. COM is Center of Mass - generally the chest area. P1 is Position 1, T1 is Target 1, etc.
Course of Fire 1 - Mob of looters : From side of van, at signal, move left and shoot through window at 3 targets, then move th rear of van and engage rest of targets, making use of cover.
Course of Fire 2 - No Women Here : At signal, retreat and engage 3 targets to cover behind car, then engage 3 more targets.
Course of Fire 3 - Campfire : From kneeling position, engage 3 'attack dogs', then hostage taken and then final target, 3 shots each.
Course of Fire 4 - One Shot : At signal and using cover, engage each target with one shot each. reload as needed.
Course of Fire 5 : Picnic Punks : while seated at picnic bench, engage targets in tactical order with 2 shots each.
Course of Fire 6 - Shoot n Scoot : At signal, move left toward barrel and engage left target with 3 shots to line, reverse direction to other barrel and engage middle target with 3 shots to line, then reverse and engage right target with 3 shots. All shots must be made on the move
Course of Fire 7 - Eight Plates :
at signal, hit target in color order of left four target, circles first then rectangles.
Course of Fire 8 - Retreat : at signal, draw and engage target from hip in front with 2 shots, then retreat and engage 2 more targets to barrel, then engage 2 targets behind barrels with 2 shots each.
Next match will be Dec 2012