See May 2013 match Videos
These videos were taken at a match in June 2013. COM is Center of Mass - generally the chest area. P1 is Position 1, T1 is Target 1, etc.
Course of Fire 1 -Left and Right - Start from behind cover. At signal, draw and engage 2 targets with 2 shots from left side of cover, slicing the pie. Then advance around the right side of barricade to second point of cover, and engage 2 additional targets with 2 shots from right side of cover. Unlimited.
Course of Fire 2 - 5+1 Speed Drill - At signal, draw and engage single target with 5 shots to CoM and 1 headshot. Limited. Magazine loaded with 6 rounds.
Course of Fire 3 - Retreat - At signal, draw and engage target "from the hip" with 2 shots. Begin retreating and engage 2 additional targets with 2 shots each while moving. Continue retreating until you reach cover. Engage the last 2 targets with 2 shots each from around cover. Unlimited.
Course of Fire 4 -3 X 2 - At signal, draw and engage 3 targets with 2 shots each from position 1. Move to position 2, and re-engage the same 3 targets with 2 additional shots each. Move to position 3, and again engage all 3 targets with 2 shots each. Unlimited. Reload as needed.
Course of Fire 5 : Double Mozambique with reload - At signal, draw and enagage first target with 2 shots to CoM and 1 headshot. Perform slidelock reload, and enagage second target with 2 shots to CoM and 1 headshot. Limited. Magazines downloaded to 3 rounds.
Course of Fire 6 - Advance abd clear hostage - At signal, draw and enagage single target with 2 shots. Advance to cover position and engage second target along the way with 2 shots (avoid shoot-through to hostage behind second target.) When at cover, engage 2 additional targets with 2 shots each. Unlimited.
Course of Fire 7 - Steels strong hand only - At signal, draw and engage all 8 plates, in either direction, strong hand only. You must hit steel before advancing to next. Limited to 10 rounds.
Course of Fire 8 - Steels weak hand only -At signal, draw and engage all 8 plates, in either direction, weak hand only. You must hit steel before advancing to next. Limited to 10 rounds.
Course of Fire 9 - El Presidente - Start with back to targets, in surrender position. At signal, turn, draw, and engage 2 targets with 2 shots to CoM and 1 headshot. Limited.
Next match will be July 2013