Previous match was August 2013

These videos were taken at a match in December 2013. COM is Center of Mass - generally the chest area. P1 is Position 1, T1 is Target 1, etc.

Course of Fire 1 - Double Mozambique - Load 3 rounds into 2 magazines. At the tone, draw and engage a target with 2 shots to the body and one to the head. Reload and repeat on other target.

Course of Fire 2 - Advance and Lateral - At the tone, draw and from cover engage 2 far targets with at least 2 shots each. Advance to first barrel and begin to engage 2 more targets on the move and move around the second barrel. Advance to the left and engage 2 more target on the move to the final barrels. Engage final target with 2 body and 1 head shot. Twenty shots max, reload as needed.

Course of Fire 3 - 3X Hard Cover - At the tone engage target from cover from the right with 2 shots, then engage second target from the left. Advance right to the barrel and repeat - 2 shots from the right, 2 shots from the left. Advance right to final barrel and repeat again. Twenty rounds max. Reload as needed.

Course of Fire 4 - Sleds - At the tone, targets on sled will start to advance toward you. Draw and engage each target with at least 3 shots.

Course of Fire 5 : School Gang - Load magazine with 6 rounds. Start with back to target and holding a cup of coffee. At tone, drop coffee, turn and engage targets, first behind 3 hostages, second holding a hostage and third near you with 2 shots each.

Course of Fire 6 - Handgun Recover - With pistol unloaded and placed on barrel with magazine in front of you. At tone, advance and recover pistol, load and engage 2 targets with 2 shots. Advance to the right, engaging 3 more targets on the move with 2 shots each to cover. Reload and from behind cover, engage 3 more targets with 2 shots.

Course of Fire 7 - Steels - At tone, engage 8 steel targets from 10 yards in this order - red, white, blue, yellow, circles first, rectangles second. Limited to twenty rounds.

Course of Fire 8 -  Street Lights Aren't Cover - At the tone, engage 4 targets with at least 2 rounds each. Shots that hit the black areas do not count as hits (they are a street light pole).

Next match will be January 2014
