See March 2013 match Videos

These videos were taken at a match in April 2013. COM is Center of Mass - generally the chest area. P1 is Position 1, T1 is Target 1, etc.

Course of Fire 1 - Shoot-scoot-retreat - Load two magazines to 6 rounds each. At the signal, draw and shoot strong arm at close target with 2 shots and begin to retreat, shooting the other 2 targets with 2 rounds each. Reload at the barrel. Then move to the left and shoot 2 rounds to a target on the move to second barrel and from cover shoot 2 more rounds each to 2 more targets.

Course of Fire 2 -Double Mozam - Load 2 magazines to 3 rounds each. At the signal, shoot one target Mozambique, reload and shoot the other target the same way.

Course of Fire 3 - Double Cover - All targets are 2 rounds each. At the signal, advance to cover and shoot two targets, each one each side of barricade. Then while advancing to next barricade, shoot two more targets on the move. At the barricade, shoot two more targets each from each side of the barricade.

Course of Fire 4 - Strong Weak 3+1 - At the signal, draw and shoot one target  with strong hand only, 3 to the body and one head shot. Then swap to weak hand and shoot other target the same way.

Course of Fire 5 : Heart Rate - At the signal, run to middle barrel, and shoot 2 targets 2 shots each. Move to right barrel and shoot 2 body and 1 head. Move to left most barrel and shoot 2 more targets 2 shots each.

Course of Fire 6 - Mind Games - Six targets of which 4 are numbered 1 through 4 and the other 2 are hostages. With back to targets, Range officer will randomly arrange numbers and hostages. At the signal, draw and shoot 2 shots each to numbered targets 1 through 4.

Course of Fire 7 - Long Short 5 + 1 - Load 2 magazines with 6 rounds each. At the signal, shoot one target with 5 body and 1 head shot. Advance to nearer position and reload, then shoot other target with 5 body and 1 head shot.

Course of Fire 8 - Bowling Pins - At signal, shoot each bowling pin. Reload as needed.

Next match will be May 2013
